Next week and weekend Feb 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Roberto will be at the Tubac Festival of the Arts (click here for information) in southern Arizona. (click here for directions) Please stop by my booth if you are in the neighborhood, located on Tubac Rd just south of Plaza rd. (right off the I-19) The Festival of the Arts covers most to the town of Tubac, you cannot miss it if you drive to Tubac. Located at EXIT 34 on I-19 south of Tucson, Arizona. Tubac (click here for information) is a one of those artistic small towns in Arizona. Tubac is locaThe Town of Tubac is appropriately proud of its long history and distinctive artist character and characters. The community is full of artist and art galleys. One could spend days enjoying the beautiful art and lovely town. Tubac is situated on the Santa Cruz River. Established in 1752 as a Spanish presidio, the first Spanish colonial garrison in what is now Arizona, Tubac was one of the stops on the way to the Camino Real (the “Royal Road”) from Mexico to the Spanish settlements in California. History of Tubac (click Here)