Upcoming Art Festivals in April, New Art Show, 1st time at this Art Show.
47th Lubbock Arts Festival 2025, April 12th and 13th, Lubbock, Texas
Location: Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, 1501 Mac Davis Lane (click here for map)
Saturday 10 to 5 and Sunday noon to 5
Festival website (click here)
At the Lubbock Arts Festival, you’ll enjoy an exciting combination of special visual art exhibits and captivating performances. Lubbock, Texas is known as the birthplace of Buddy Holly, one of the early rock and roll celebrities. And for more to do visit Lubbock’s Visitors Center (Click Here)
MAY, Applied to several Art Festivals in Colorado (check back for updates)
Santa Fe Challenge New Mexico, June 7th & 8th Santa Fe Historical Plaza
This is my 2nd best show of the year. I am one of the top artists in this art show. My booth is located just west of the center of the Santa Fe Plaza, down the path from Lincoln and San Francisco Streets. Right if front of the Plaza Café. (great food)
See the photo of my booth at the Santa Fe Art Show.
For more information on the art show (CLICK HERE)
For more information on Santa Fe (CLICK HERE) link to the Santa Fe City visitor site. Map to Santa Fe Plaza (CLICK HERE)
FOR THE REST OF JUNE, Again Applied to several Art Festivals in Colorado (check back for updates)
July, I applied to several Art Festivals in Colorado (check back for updates)
In the past, I have participated in the Ruidoso Art Festival but might not this year due to the fires and floods Ruidoso had last year.
August- September
August, Applied to Crested Butte, Colorado Art Show, (Aug 1st to 3rd)
(check back for updates)
LABOR DAY 2025 Santa Fe, New Mexico
August 30th, 31st & September 1st.
In 2025 Labor Day is Monday, September 1st, so the art show will start on August 30th. My booth is located just west of the center of the Santa Fe Plaza. Down the path from Lincoln and San Francisco Streets. A photo of my booth at the Santa Fe Art Show. Just across from the Plaza Café. (great food)
This is my best show of the year. I am one of the top artists at this art show and it takes me a month to prepare and a month to recover and to create more handmade copper water fountains.
For more information on the art show (CLICK HERE)
For more information on Santa Fe (CLICK HERE) link to the Santa Fe city visitor site. Map to Santa Fe Plaza (CLICK HERE)
October 11th & 12th, Patagonia Festival of the Arts, Patagonia, AZ
This art show is in the heart of Patagonia, you can not miss it if you drive through the town. Patagonia is one of those unique small Arizona towns. The Town of Patagonia is appropriately proud of our history and distinctive character. The community is quirky and we like it that way. Visitors tell us that Patagonia’s unique spirit is easily perceived and is their reason to stay or to return. Situated at over 4,000 feet elevation between the Santa Rita Mountains and the Patagonia Mountains in the riparian corridor of Sonoita Creek, Patagonia is spectacularly rich in both natural and human assets. The distinguishing vision of our community is to protect and build sustainably upon these assets and our town’s character. For more about Patagonia and all they have to offer visit their website. (click here)
November 14th to 16th Fountain Hills Art Festival
November 21st to 23rd Tucson Museum Art Show
December No Art Festivals or Shows at this time